41 research outputs found

    Nuevos registros de Harpacticoideos (Crustacea, Copepoda) en un sistema costero del norte de Colombia

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    Three species of harpacticoids are herein recorded from the zooplankton of Rodadero beach, Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. Samples were collected from the littoral zone, mainly at inshore areas covered by mangrove vegetation and in an adjacent oyster bank. One of them, Laophonte cornuta Philippi, 1840 is new to the Colombian harpacticoid fauna, the other two species: Distioculus minor (Scott T., 1894) and Microsetella norvegica (Boeck, 1865) are new reports to the Magdalena department. This is the first illustrated record confirming their presence in Colombia and Magdalena, northern Colombia. Comparative morphological comments and illustrations of these species are also provided to document this report.Se registran tres especies de harpacticoides en el zooplancton de playa Rodadero, Santa Marta, Magdalena, norte de Colombia. Se recolectaron muestras en la zona litoral, principalmente en áreas costeras de manglar y en un banco de ostras. Una de ellas, Laophonte cornuta Philippi, 1840 es nueva para la fauna de harpacticoides de Colombia; las otras dos especies: Distioculus minor (Scott T., 1894) y Microsetella norvegica (Boeck 1865) son nuevos reportes para el departamento del Magdalena. Este es el primer registro ilustrado que confirma su presencia en Colombia y Magdalena. Se proporcionan comentarios morfológicos comparativos e ilustraciones de estas especies

    Registrador de energía fotovoltaica inyectada a la red eléctrica mediante LabView

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    En México son relativamente recientes los esfuerzos que, tanto gobierno como consumidores independientes hacen para ahorrar energía. De allí la necesidad de utilizar energías alternativas para disminuir el consumo de la energía eléctrica sin afectar la producción o el confort del usuario final. En el presente artículo se estudia una manera sencilla y muy económica de medir la energía que está siendo inyectada a la red por medio de sistemas fotovoltaicos y llevar un registro en tiempo real y un almacenamiento del mismo en una base de datos. Lo anterior se hace de manera inalámbrica utilizando tecnología reciente de transmisores de radiofrecuencia como los son los XBee en conjunto con LabView que es un poderoso y flexible software de análisis e instrumentación.Palabra(s) Clave(s): energía eléctrica, LabView, panel solar, perfil de demanda, XBee

    Casos de estudio en México y Latinoamérica

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    Ante la presencia de conflictos sociales y territoriales, las comunidades organizadas buscan estrategias de solución y confrontación. Es el estudio de dichos movimientos, lo que motiva a la publicación de éste libro: Respuestas comunitarias ante conflictos ambientales. Casos de estudio en México y Latinoamérica, reúne catorce textos que analizan las respuestas sociales y documentan la acción colectiva de comunidades que se han organizado para autogestionar soluciones ante conflictos territoriales, económicos y ambientales, en su propio entorno. Las aportaciones de investigadores y activistas, desde enfoques teóricos y metodológicos particulares, exponen casos de estudio sobre organizaciones formales e informales que se han conformado para afrontar los retos que representan proyectos productivos como fábricas cementeras, mineras, puertos, productores de energía, entre otros. Los enfoques analíticos tocan también temas nodales en el estudio de la acción colectiva como la ética, el despojo, los derechos humanos y las estrategias de comunicación y visibilización. Este material, que reúne estudios hechos en distintos lugares de México y Latinoamérica, es un compendio de métodos de investigación y un acercamiento al estudio de los movimientos sociales.UAEMEX, CONACyT, SE

    Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in renewable energy in some European and Latin-American Countries

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    One of the main challenges related to the renewable energy labour market is that of human capital and as a consequence the educational profile of future employees is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, the skill level gained at University does not always fit with the practical needs of industry thus reducing the benefit-cost ratio of new employees and slowing down the transition to a green economy. Within this context, ‘The Crux’ project co-funded by EU under the framework of the Erasmus + programme aims at improving the renewable energy engineering curriculum at different university levels in several Universities of Latin America and Europe. In order to better appreciate the potential impact of the project, a survey on the labour market need for specialists with enhanced knowledge and skills in renewable and sustainable energy technologies has been conducted in the related EU and Latin America countries. More precisely, 60 organizations have been interviewed and almost 70% of them are interested in employing engineers with enhanced knowledge on renewable energy in the next three years. The analysis has shown significant discrepancies between EU and Latin American organizations. In fact, while future employees in EU countries will be mainly related to solar energy and management, the former together with wind and biomass will represent the main renewable energy working sector in Latin American countries. Moreover, MSc level will be the most demanded in EU while bachelor education seems to satisfy the future industry requirements in Latin America. Despite each country having its own needs, the research carried out under this EU project confirms the potential of renewable energy education on the global labour market in the near future

    Enhancing the First-Pass Effect in Acute Stroke: The Impact of Stent Retriever Characteristics

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    Introduction: Although stentrievers (SRs) have been a mainstay of mechanical thrombectomy (MT), and current guidelines recommend the use of SRs in the treatment of large vessel occlusion stroke (LVO), there is a paucity of studies in the literature comparing SRs directly against each other in terms of mechanical and functional properties. Timely access to endovascular therapy and the ability to restore intracranial flow in a safe, efficient, and efficacious manner have been critical to the success of MT. This study aimed to investigate the impact of contemporary SR characteristics, including model, brand, size, and length, on the first-pass effect (FPE) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Methods: Consecutive patients with M1 occlusion treated with a single SR+BGC were recruited from the ROSSETTI registry. The primary outcome was the FPE that was defined as modified (mFPE) or true (tFPE) for the achievement of modified thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (mTICI) grades 2b-3 or 3 after a single device pass, respectively. We compared patients who achieved mFPE with those who achieved tFPE according to SR characteristics. Results: We included 610 patients (52.3% female and 47.7% male, mean age 75.1 +/- 13.62 years). mFPE was achieved in 357 patients (58.5%), whereas tFPE was achieved in 264 (43.3%). There was no significant association between SR characteristics and mFPE or tFPE. Specifically, the SR size did not show a statistically significant relationship with improvement in FPE. Similarly, the length of the SR did not yield significant differences in the mFPE and tFPE, even when the data were grouped. Conclusions: Our data indicate that contemporary SR-mediated thrombectomy characteristics, including model, brand, size, and length, do not significantly affect the FPE

    Persistent and polarised global actin flow is essential for directionality during cell migration

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    Cell migration is hypothesized to involve a cycle of behaviours beginning with leading edge extension. However, recent evidence suggests that the leading edge may be dispensable for migration, raising the question of what actually controls cell directionality. Here, we exploit the embryonic migration of Drosophila macrophages to bridge the different temporal scales of the behaviours controlling motility. This approach reveals that edge fluctuations during random motility are not persistent and are weakly correlated with motion. In contrast, flow of the actin network behind the leading edge is highly persistent. Quantification of actin flow structure during migration reveals a stable organization and asymmetry in the cell-wide flowfield that strongly correlates with cell directionality. This organization is regulated by a gradient of actin network compression and destruction, which is controlled by myosin contraction and cofilin-mediated disassembly. It is this stable actin-flow polarity, which integrates rapid fluctuations of the leading edge, that controls inherent cellular persistence

    A Contribution of the HAWC Observatory to the TeV era in the High Energy Gamma-Ray Astrophysics: The case of the TeV-Halos

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    We present a short overview of the TeV-Halos objects as a discovery and a relevant contribution of the High Altitude Water \v{C}erenkov (HAWC) observatory to TeV astrophysics. We discuss history, discovery, knowledge, and the next step through a new and more detailed analysis than the original study in 2017. TeV-Halos will contribute to resolving the problem of the local positron excess observed on the Earth. To clarify the latter, understanding the diffusion process is mandatory.Comment: Work presented in the 21st International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions(ISVHECRI 2022) as part of the Ph. D. Thesis of Ramiro Torres-Escobedo (SJTU, Shanghai, China). Accepted for publication in SciPost Physics Proceedings (ISSN 2666-4003). 11 pages, 3 Figures. Short overview of HAWC and TeV Halos objects until 202

    Voluntariado en Acción Catálogo de iniciativas de voluntariado Centros de Educación para el Desarrollo.

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    Este catálogo compila todas las iniciativas de voluntariado que enmarcan y orientan las acciones de más de dos mil voluntarios anuales que aportan con su tiempo y conocimiento al fortalecimiento de las comunidades, sus organizaciones sociales y comunitarias que trabajan decididamente para construir una mejor sociedad. Durante los últimos tres años hemos apostado por el fortalecimiento de esta estrategia generando nuevas modalidades, diversos escenarios para el desarrollo del voluntariado, capacitando a los 19 líderes y los voluntarios en las sedes, siempre bajo la profunda convicción de que el mundo se puede cambiar cuando mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, logran tocar la vida de las personas que más lo necesitan

    Innovación en las enseñanzas universitarias: experiencias presentadas en las III Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL

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    En este libro se recoge un conjunto de experiencias de innovación educativa desarrolladas en la ULL en el curso 2011-12. Se abordan distintos ámbitos y ramas del conocimiento, y ocupan temáticas variadas que han sido desarrolladas con rigor, y con un claro potencial para su extrapolación a efectos de la mejora educativa en el ámbito universitario. Esta publicación constituye una primera edición de una serie que irá recogiendo las experiencias de innovación educativa de la ULL. Este es un paso relevante para su impulso en nuestra institución, como lo es el de su vinculación con la investigación educativa, para potenciar su publicación en las revistas científicas en este ámbito cada vez más pujante y relevante para las universidades. Sobre todo representan el deseo y el compromiso del profesorado de la ULL para la mejora del proceso educativo mediante la investigación, la evaluación y la reflexión compartida de nuestras prácticas y planteamientos docentes